
Welcome to CommunityCircus


Welcome to CommunityCircus! We’re a new blog that’s all about circuses in New Zealand. We’re extremely passionate about circuses and want to share our love for these fun, entertaining and ex-citing shows with you. They are quite popular in New Zealand, there’s no denying that, but there are still many people who, for one reason or another, have never actually been to a circus before. We want to change that. With our blog, we want to show people who have never been to a circus what they’re missing out on; we also want to provide fans of circuses with plenty of knowledge about them.

Our Topics

Our blog posts cover all sorts of topics related to the circus. For example, we have posts covering the history of circuses in New Zealand, the country’s most popular circus shows and some general facts about circuses from around the world. There’s a wealth of information about circuses out there and we plan to gather it and put it all together in one place, i.e. right here on our blog. Read through our posts and you may be surprised at what you learn about circuses. We plan on adding new posts regularly, so make sure you keep coming back.

When you’re done reading our posts, there’s only one thing left for you to do: book some tickets to a circus of course! If our blog doesn’t get you interested in seeing a circus show, nothing will. Read up on circus acts and do a quick online search to find out what circuses are coming to your part of the country soon and be sure to get your tickets sorted out sooner rather than later. After all, circuses are very popular and shows can sell out fairly fast.

We can’t not mention COVID-19. At the time of writing, the pandemic is still underway and, of course, it’s had a huge effect on not just the circus industry, but also the performing arts sector as a whole. Though things in New Zealand are starting to get back to normal, thankfully, we’re not past the pandemic just yet and things can change. With that being said, it’s important that you support any sorts of businesses or companies that have been struggling throughout the crisis if you can.

So, if there’s a circus show coming somewhere near you, it would be great if you could support the stars and go and see the show. That is, of course, providing that you don’t have any symptoms and are staying within household bubbles etc. People have been loving circus shows in New Zealand for many years. Though the industry has taken a hit, it’s got a very good chance of bouncing back and returning stronger than ever before. What’s needed, more than ever before, is support from people like you.

In the immediate future, circuses will no doubt be different from normal, what with social distancing measures and other safety restrictions in place. That being said, we’re optimists and we believe that a circus show with restrictions is better than no show at all. We want everyone who visits our blog to try their best to go and see local circus shows. Help support the industry and keep the performers’ livelihoods going. Right now, we need entertaining shows like circuses more than ever before, so let’s make the most of them!